SpiderControl MicroBrowser XS Special CoDeSys Variables The following variables can be defined in CoDeSys to enable specific functions on the panel. They all begin with the prefix "SPC_MB_". These variables must appear in a view in any way. For example in a rectangle element in the textdisplay-variable field. This element can be hidden. The best way is to insert these elements in the start view, mostly PLC_VISU. A demo project showing the use of theses variables is available on our website. SPC_MB_Backlight ---------------- Description: With the variable "SPC_MB_Backlight", it is possible to contol the backlight of the embedded device. Since v00.21 CoDeSys definition: SPC_MB_Backlight:BOOL; Variable value: 0: the device behaves as normal, i.e. it switches the backlight off after a given timeout (see chapter Hardware). 1: the backlight stays permanently on. SPC_MB_Clock ------------- Description: The panel doesn't have an internal clock. By defining the variable "SPC_MB_Clock", it is possible to set the time and date of the panel. This can be used for trend elements. Since v00.33 CoDeSys definition: SPC_MB_Clock:DT; Variable value: The PLC application is responsible to periodically write the current time in this variable. Example: SPC_MB_Clock := SysRtcGetTime(dummy);